2011 _ Uakti

Model by Fernanda Gomes; rendering and photos by Ricardo Lobato

“Uakti develops a singular work on instrumental music, research and creating new instruments and sounds. A rare conjunction of musicians who perform, invent, compose and teach makes the group a reference on the Brazilian and international music scene.

This project contemplates the creation of the Music Reference Center, future home of Uakti in Belo Horizonte, a privileged place of research and practice, instrumental workshops and performing small concerts. It will also serve as a venue for exhibition and maintenance of the musical instruments created by Marco Antônio Guimarães.”

Santa Rosa Cultural Bureau

A subtle formal approach with instruments created by the group is purposed for the building shape. It consists of three cylindrical volumes, whose interstices are valued as places of permanency. The integration with the landscape is mediated by vertical wooden panels, around the balconies.